Stefan A. Oberhansl
Stefan A. Oberhansl studied at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich and holds a Diploma in Business Administration with the focus on tourism as well as a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in political sciences from the faculty of social sciences from the Philipps University of Marburg. He is a member and spokesperson for the economic board in Germany as well as a member in the “Bundesfachkommission” internet and digital economy in Berlin. He started his career in the television channel “Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF)” in the editorial team “Reiselust” and was a member in the journalistic subsidy program of HSS. He founded the Gerina AG in the year 2000 which is an independent venture capital firm and in 2007 with partners the Advanced Media AG as an independent service provider within the company compound. His latest book is titled: Founding in Germany - which state wins?